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Share your support!

If you are active on social media or have a group that you believe would be interested in finding out more about Wishbone, we’ve created some sample text you can copy and use on your site, in your groups or on your social media accounts.

Sample Twitter Posts

Nearly 1 in 200 pregnancies in the US results in a stillbirth. Here’s how the Wishbone Foundation helps with the grieving process.

The loss of a child is one of the most devastating experiences a family can have. Support the Wishbone Foundation in training labor and delivery staff.

Very few hospitals have staff trained to support families that lose a baby. Wishbone Foundation has a solution!

Your gift to the Wishbone Foundation allows them to provide training and resources necessary to empower labor and delivery teams to support grieving families.

Labor and delivery teams need our help to receive the necessary training and materials that will help them support families physically and emotionally after the loss of a newborn.

The Wishbone Foundation is filling a need that has gone under-served. They currently dedicated to providing training to nurses at no cost to them to support families enduring infant loss.

Wishbone trains labor and delivery staff to handle bereavement and logistics of loss from miscarriage, stillbirth, and early infant loss. Find out how to support the cause:

Sample Facebook Posts:

The Wishbone Foundation fills a need that has gone un-served. Several organizations provide support for families after they leave the hospital, but no one currently provides no-cost bereavement training for labor and delivery teams. This is the very training that has a direct and significant impact on families suffering infant loss. To learn more about the Wishbone Foundation, visit their website here:

Understanding what grieving parents need, how to interact with them and how to walk them through pre-delivery, labor and delivery and post-birth for parents experiencing infant loss and bereavement, is the training Wishbone offers to nurses, labor and delivery personnel, and other healthcare staff that deal with grieving parents. Find out how you can support their training efforts here:

The two-day Wishbone Bereavement Training aims to provide an interactive experience for nurses and social workers supporting parents and families that have recently lost a newborn infant. Find out more about the cause, and how you can support it, by going to:

Want to support The Wishbone Foundation in their mission to provide FREE training to labor and delivery personnel that interact with grieving families before they leave the hospital? Host a donation party or visit their website to see their upcoming events. 


 Sample Letter for Email Marketing


Dear [Insert Name Here],

I just discovered the Wishbone Foundation and found it so moving that I couldn’t help but share this organization, and their mission, with you.

The Wishbone Foundation fills a need that goes un-served. Several organizations provide support for grieving families once they leave the hospital, but no one currently provides no-cost training for labor and delivery teams that interact with parents that have lost a child through miscarriage, stillbirth or early infant loss.

I am excited to be partnering with this foundation to spread awareness and enlist support for this cause. Their two-day Wishbone Bereavement Training aims to provide an interactive experience for people in a position to help parents and families after such a devastating loss.  It costs approximately $300 per person to offer this training at no cost to nurses, social workers, and other hospital personnel. However, the need is great and terribly needed for those undergoing this painful experience.

To learn more about the Wishbone Foundation and the support they offer for both labor and delivery staff, as well as parents in mourning, please visit the website.

Thank you for your support,

[Your name]

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